Friday, April 11, 2008

Mystic Horseman (Book #38)

Mystic Horseman (Kathleen Eagle, 2008) is a follow-up to last year's Ride a Painted Pony. Dillon Black, a Lakota rancher/cowboy/part-time casino worker who wants to start a horse camp for at-risk Lakota youth, gets help from his ex-wife, who uses her TV connections to bring a reality show team in to build the facility. As always, Eagle brings Indian Country authentically to life (at least, it feels authentic to me as an outsider, but one who tries to pay attention to these things). But this particular book had so many character arcs and plot threads going that I never fully connected to any of them--old loves, new loves, coming to terms with possibly fatal illnesses and one's children's sexual orientation, etc. It would've taken a much longer book to do all the conflicts justice, IMHO.

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